Joke of the day: Mick takes a job on a construction site in Dublin:

Mick takes a job on a construction site in Dublin:

Part of his daily work is to clear any sewage and empty the waste from the pipes. Every Friday he has to hand in his time sheets.

After the second week the boss pulls him over for a word.

"Mick." Says the boss. "I need to have a word about your time sheets. For the past 2 weeks all you have wrote on them is 7:30am to 4:30pm shovelling shite."

"That's right sir, that's what I do, shovel shite." Says Mick.

"Well Mick." Says the boss. "In future can you not write shovelling shite, can you write excavating excrement instead."

"For feck sake." Says Mick. "f I could write excavating excrement, I wouldn't be shovelling fecken shite." 😅

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